Broadstone First School

Broadstone First is a local school eager to be at the forefront of education by creating a creative an exciting environment for learning. Governing this classroom transformation is Michelle Stone, a teacher with a concrete mission – “To enable each individual to succeed in whatever they choose in a way that reflects their passion.” She wants to nurture her pupils to give them what they need to blossom and grow into well-rounded individuals with the characteristics of; Leadership, Integrity, Curiosity, Responsibility, Pride and Aspiration to help the succeed in life.

Featured Work

We were introduced to the head teacher of Broadstone First School, Michelle, through one of our existing clients who was impressed with our work. She wanted us to create a wall graphic that would encapsulate her story of change and reflect her vision for her school and pupils. The basis for this was to be “Growth” and Michelle saw this in the guise of a plant, as she sees teaching children being a little like growing plants. With the right foundations and conditions any little seed can grow tall and strong. We sketched out some initial thoughts and although our Jack and the Beanstalk theme was liked, another idea caught her eye. Based on a tomato plant, we designed an image to demonstrate her vision and had it printed on self adhesive wall paper; the schools reception now has a much more welcoming and eye-catching look.
